Fallbrook #2


The Mission

I remember my initial conversation with this client as if it was yesterday. It was an overcast Monday morning; I’d just settled down at my desk and the phone started ringing (standard). After the initial pleasantries where disposed with, the homeowner comes out with. “Yeh, we decided a few weekends ago that we wanted a pool, so we went to Home Depot, grabbed a couple of shovels and started digging.” I nearly lost my mouthful of coffee. “Seriously?”

The Details

Turns out they where being serious, and fair play to them, they’d made a decent start. However, the realization of exactly what they’d undertaken had well and truly hit home, and they’d wisely decided to call in the cavalry.

The Challenge (because there always is one)

The construction process went without a hitch, the only thing that slowed us down was San Diego county’s building department insisting that the septic tank was located on the opposite side of the property to where it actually was. Que the SD inspector and I on site, with him on the phone to his office “No, I don’t care what’s on the system, I’m looking at the tank right now!” Even with this delay, we where still finished in just under 5 weeks. Another one in the books, another satisfied customer!
before & after
Before_Fallbrook2 after_fallbrook2