Probably easier just to get this out of the way early on. We do this a lot, so believe us when we say, the best way to get through a pool build is trust and honesty ON BOTH sides. This is a major construction project, there may well be a time during the process when we might have to have a difficult conversation, whether we’ve accidently run over next doors dog with the bobcat, or a concrete hose has burst and covered your car with cement (both these things have happened, that’s why we have insurance). Whatever it is, you’re just going to hear it from us straight, no sugar coating, no lies, no dodged phone calls. Now, we expect the same back from you. If you don’t like a design, or you don’t like how a tile’s been laid, just tell us. You’re not going to offend us, we’re all big boys and girls, the sooner we know about something, the sooner we can change it. The longer you keep quiet, the more difficult it is for us to rectify any issues.